Don’t ask Our Lord for
anything else except Himself – He knows what else we need.Fr John O'Neill
Message from the
Our second edition of Cardinal Newman
Faith Resources Newsletter for 2018 will be a little shorter than
usual. We warmly welcome all our readers and supporters and
sincerely thank all those who have helped us in our extending our
premises. It has been a very busy time, packing away stock, and
dismantling and covering the present shelves. Through the
goodness of God’s providence we had a wonderful team of workmen
who have finished cutting an archway through the brick wall,
moving light switches and power points, replacing lights and
painting patched walls. We had the blessing of donated high
quality display shelving that was destined for the tip! We cannot
thank God enough for providing this and just at the right time.
We are open with the repacking and reorganising of shelves almost
It is an exciting time as we now able to display much more than
before and have new shelves dedicated to spiritual reading from
wonderful Catholic authors including Archbishop Fulton Sheen,
Blessed John Henry Cardinal Newman, Scott Hahn, Fr Robert
Spitzer, von Hildebrand, G K Chesterton, Hilaire Belloc and many
more. There is a stand for the large range of booklets from the
Catholic Truth Society. These are a blessing for those who have
busy lives and find more than fifteen minutes reading time a day
a huge task. Please note that we have many new releases available
from Tan Books, Sophia Institute Press, Ignatius Press, Scepter
Publications, Ignatius Our Sunday Visitor, Gracewing, Angelico
Press and other reputable Catholic Companies.
Half of the new room will be Parousia Media’s production (only)
site and Cardinal Newman Faith Resources will now be selling all
their products from our own rooms. This means you can now buy the
full range of Parousia Media, Lighthouse Talks, St Joseph
Communications, Jason Evert’s Chastity Project, Catholic Answers,
Ignatius Press Multi-Media Products and more from our outlet in
St Marys. This association with Parousia Media will be a big step
in our mission of catechesis and evangelization. Please feel free
to visit us and peruse at your leisure. If you cannot come in you
can call us on 0296732235 during opening hours or visit our
website. If there is something you require we will do our best to
source any good Catholic materials for you.
Father Tierney’s Handouts regarding the Parliamentary submissions
on religious freedom are extremely important and very informative
this month so we ask you to take the time to go through them. We
thank all our readers for your prayers, financial support and
patience during this busy time. May God bless you and your
families abundantly,
Gai Smith
Featured items
Say Yes to Christ! by Scott Hahn $5.00
This talk teaches the importance of giving our complete “yes” to
Jesus Christ and fully recognizing him as King of Kings, and Lord
over all. Dr Hahn delves into Scripture to show that by dedicating
ourselves to the Lord, he can accomplish more in us and through us
than we ever could on our own. This talk is filled with wisdom to
help us grow closer to God.
Could God Love Someone Like Me? CD by Fr Mike Schmitz $5.00
Fr Schmitz speaks powerfully about the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Leonie Martin: A Difficult Life by Marie
A sister of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, Léonie Martin (1863-1941) was a
daughter of Zélie and Louis Martin. The least gifted of the five
Martin sisters and an emotionally disturbed child, she suffered much
and caused anguish in her family. Marie Baudouin-Croix has carefully
researched Léonie's life, including her mother's voluminous
correspondence. In letters to her daughters and other family members,
Zélie confided the challenges faced in raising Leonie. Yet Léonie was
the first in the Martin family to understand and follow Thérèse's
Little Way.
TRUE RELIGIONS all worship, or at least acknowledge, a Supreme
Being called God.
In the broad sense, religion is a belief system which offers answers to ultimate
questions such as the origin of things and of man, the meaning of
life on earth, how to conduct oneself, and man’s destiny after
In an even broader sense,
atheism is almost a religion, an anti-religion religion, since it often functions like one. Nowadays, atheism
often asserts an ever aggressive body of thought and fervently
strives to stamp out all ordinary religions such as Christianity,
Judaism and Islam.
THESIS 1: Freedom of Religion in one of four freedoms which
stand or fall together: These four freedoms involve freedoms from external coercion or repression, and freedoms for action:-
Freedom of Thought,
Freedom of Speech,
Freedom to Publish one’s
Freedom to Act according to
one’s beliefs: to act not on whim but as one ought.
Any religion seeking to negate
the freedom of another religion to function is usually acting
contrary to natural morality. As a last resort, a government may
restrict it as far as is necessary.
THESIS 2: Religion is foundational to a culture and a
civilization emerges from and depends on a culture,
a culture emerges from and depends on a Religion.
THESIS 3: Whatever is received (or heard) is received (or
heard) according the mindset of the recipient, and whatever is
uttered is uttered according to the mindset of the utterer.
NOT ONLY politicians and their committees, indeed all citizens,
cannot avoid the God-question. Whether God exists or does not exist
makes all the difference in one’s Declaration of Interests.
It is a vital aspect of one’s
MIND-SET or “World-View”
To what extent is my judgement
on Freedom of Religion decided by my mindset?
Is the truth and value of my
judgement enhanced or retarded by it?
Where do human rights come
What sorts of rights can civil
law confer? What can cancel, negate or limit them?
Arc there limitations on
governments, or are they totalitarian?
If they are not omnipotent,
what are their limitations?
Is “enjoyment” of freedom of religion simply some sort of privilege
conferred by government?
Where do governments get
What rights have citizens or
countries if they negate human rights?
Are human rights complementary
to and correlative with human duties?
Will conscientious objection
to taking part in the immorality of others be disallowed?
Is modern atheism a substitute
religion which insists on and enforces Godlessness?
Is the rise of modem atheism
already forcing Godlessness on our country by legislation?
Where do our present Federal
Constitution and our State criminal codes come from?
Will the Bible be banned for
its utter condemnation of adultery and sodomy as sins?
Will catechisms and other
religious books be banned as “hate speech”?
Will schools violate parental
rights to bring up children in their own religion and morals?
Will peaceful protests against
the slaughter of the innocents by abortion be criminalized?
Are the new laws making
same-sex unions into “marriages” intended to exterminate matrimony?
Australian laws and Federal
Constitution originate in the Bible's Exodus 20:1-17 and
Deuteronomy 5:6-21, revealed by God to Moses, 13th century B.C..
God: pre-amble to Constitution and use of
the Lord’s Prayer in Parliament.
His Name not taken in vain: hence swearing
into office and oaths in court in God’s Name.
Keep holy the seventh day: workers’ rights
to a weekly day-off for rest and worship.
father and mother: upholding
of marriage and family life — until recently!
to defend human life from murder — now weakened by abortion and
to defend marriage from adultery — now abandoned.
to defend property from theft — more or less upheld.
on false witness — more
or less upheld.
Duty to avoid lustful thoughts — now little
protection from pornography.
to avoid covetous thoughts — never could be law, but socially
The Code of Hammurabi from
Babylon, 18'h century B.C., has six of the Ten Commandments. It is
a pagan testimony to natural morality (natural moral law), though
in a motley mix with civil edicts and laced with penalties so
draconian as to make Leviticus read like a toddler’s tale.
POLITICIANS and their committees must divulge their existing
interests when legislating on matters in which they are financially
involved or in matters in which they have already made judgements.
Hence I state my own interests: my
letterhead is a manifesto, as are my publications as listed.
Thus the mindset factor of
those assessing this will govern how they receive it. Some might
routinely stereotype me from my ideas by a sort of knee-jerk
reaction and DISCARD it into a mental pigeon hole; i.e. anything
said by a Christian, let alone a Catholic, more so a Catholic
priest. There is also a possible stimulus-response rejection of any
use of religious concepts like “the Ten Commandments”.
Father James Tierney
Editorial explanation for this Handouts:
My submission was on the
letterhead of my retirement apostolate, Cardinal Newman Catechist Consultants, It says:
+ An apostolate, free service,
not a business, no sales, no cheques
+ Specialists in Family
+ Consultants on Catholic
+ Originally Cardinal Newman
Catechist Centre, 1974-2000
+ Patron — Blessed John Henry
Newman, 1801-1890
+ Cor ad cor loquitur
— “Heart Speaks to Heart”,
Catholic Family Catechism
Apostles’ Edition II (500 Q&As),
also Disciples’ Edition II
(only 50 Q&As);
Confirmation Kit for Home
Heart Speaks to Heart prayer book;
Apostles of Christ in High
Teacher’s Books;
For other publications: Cardinal Newman Faith Resources Inc. 02 9673 2235 and see <> for regular Handouts(single A4 sheets).
Bush Boys andCuthbert(2
in 1); Bush Boys and Bush Rangers; Bush Boys on the Move; New
Boys in the Bush;
Squiggles and Squinter; New
Boys Go Bush Again
The above is part of the p. 1
covering letter of my submission to the Expert Panel on 6'h February, 2018; then it omits
p. 2 Table of Contents and resumes in the first of four parts of
pp, 3-10. The short lines in two columns make it more compact.
HEREWITH are ideas for the ongoing conflict — for we are not
yet at the height of the storm. There will be debates in
Parliament, but the fiercest fights will be in the Law Courts and
with the inquisition-like Anti-Discrimination Tribunals.
We need to be fighting-fit in
soul and body:
• Sanctifying grace and fidelity to the Christian Covenant
in sacramental worship and personal prayer.
• Healthy food, exercise,
sleep and peace at home.
• Study the Catechism of
the Catholic Church:-
CCC 2108: The right to
religious liberty is neither a moral license to adhere to error,
nor a supposed right to error, but rather a natural right of the human person to civil liberty, i.e., immunity, within just limits, from external
constraint in religious matters by political authorities. This
natural right ought to be acknowledged in the juridical order of
society in such a way that it constitutes a civil right.
CCC n. 2109: The right to
religious liberty can of itself be neither unlimited nor limited only
by a “public order” conceived in a positivist or naturalist manner.
The “due limits” which are inherent in it must be determined for
each social situation by political prudence, according to the
requirements of the common good, and ratified by the civil
authority in accordance with “legal principles which are in
conformity with the objective moral order”.
See Social duly of religion and
right to religious freedom CCC nn. 2104-2109
WE must outdo in simple goodness, in the human and
Divine virtues our weaker brethren inside the Church and our fellow
citizens outside the Church.
And we must outbreed them.
It means bigger families, if
We can do it. We can outbreed
them in quantity and outdo them in quality! This is not for our own
glory but that God may be glorified in us.
We must prepare children to be
counter-cultural in their life in society; for the lay apostolate
in such a pagan society; and for persecution for Christ (cf. John
15:20); and thereby help got them to complete their testing time on
earth to be saints in Heaven.
Human Respect:
‘Human respect’ here means
moral cowardice. It is not that other sort of respect for human
beings as fellow children of God in their creatureliness, for this
is a virtue, a part of charity. Rather, the vice of human respect
is a human weakness, a sin of respecting the errors and amorality
and immorality of others.
Mobile phones and Internet
Beware of the internet and the
mobile phone and its subsequent developments. Brilliant technology
is being exploited by the Devil’s hatred of God and man.
The Declaration of Interest
After the 2014 enquiry by the
Upper House of the NSW Parliament into Homeschooling, it occurred
to me that some members of their Select Committee had missed out on
a happy home upbringing by loving parents and the blessing of many
siblings. They seemed to lack the background to grasp that
homeschooling was a richer form of an upbringing.
Likewise religious freedom is
incomprehensible to men who don’t pray to God and whose consciences
are unformed in moral principles, yet are in positions of power
over us.
For all such persons we must
“be the salt of the earth and let our light shine before men,”
(Matthew 5:13-14).
Action and proposing an Ideal
Family Catechetics counters
confused doctrine & morals in pulpits, schools &
seminaries, cause or occasion of the crisis in marriage,
priesthood, Religious life, paucity of vocations.
Home tutoring in Christian
doctrine (with apologetics later) truly fosters faith and piety —
alas! many Catholic schools fail to graduate practising Catholics
even after 13 years schooling.
Freedom of Thought,
of which Freedom of Religion is part, is now under attack
Freedom of Thought already
seems restricted, at least implicitly, and less obviously, by laws
and tribunals hampering Freedom of Speech.
Thoughts and Words
Thought is made up of ideas
which are expressed in words. Words are learned from parents,
relatives, friends, neighbours and institutions like schools.
Controlling spoken words is a way of controlling thoughts using
these words, especially to limit the range of thinking. Thus Mao
If you use our words you will
think our thoughts.
He or others developed this
If you think our thoughts you
will do our deeds.
In Man's Search for Meaning, the Viennese psychiatrist Dr Victor
Frankl said the ultimate freedom, the freedom that can never be
removed by force, even in the most brutal concentration camp (where
lie formulated his ideas) is the
freedom to choose one's attitude to one's environment.
Yet he could not pass these
ideas on to others without speech or publication.
To preserve Freedom of
Thought, and for the common good, Freedom of Speech must be
Freedom of Speech — in the name of Academic Freedom and J.J.
“Academic Freedom” was once a
slogan which let university professors and even students utter
harebrained or obscene proposals under cover (or excuse) of
protecting the development of new ideas.
That’s now outdated.
University students now need “trigger warnings” lest they get
offended, or upset at anything against the prevailing “political
correctness”. Protests of former days against government censorship
of immoral books has gone into reverse, by banning any opposition
to silence it.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
used to be quoted for his strident defence of Freedom of Speech: “1
disagree with you completely, but I will defend to the death your
right to say it.”
Nowadays, the enthusiastic
heirs of his atheism simply hide this embarrassing assertion.
Yet Rousseau would have
defended the right to Freedom of Speech of those who “think outside
the box” with ideas lacking Political Correctness such as these,
now totally unacceptable:-
Governments should treat
schooling as “free trade” and let the market decide, let it find
its own level..
They should give up control of
schooling and sell-off State Schools to parental groups.
Abolish compulsory schooling.
Let “evolution” eliminate the
Uphold the noble status of
fatherhood and motherhood founded in nature itself.
Hold parents primarily
responsible for children’s upbringing in the civic virtues, on
biological, psychological and societal grounds.
Save money in the Welfare
Budget by upholding tire noble status of the natural family of a
man and woman and their children, and their extended family, to
help solve societies’ problems of the care of the aged, nervous
breakdowns, neglected and abused children, delinquent youth and
suicide prevention.
These seven non-P.C.
utterances might soon attract a prison sentence when one refuses to
pay the fines imposed by courts or tribunals — unless genuine
Freedom is available for Religion.
Of course, some restrictions
on Freedom of Speech may be necessary but should be minimal, e.g.
the 8th commandment against slander in its various aspects.
Some complaints to
Anti-Discrimination Tribunals seem contrived to persecute or harass
Christians on the grounds of “hate speech” and being “offensive”.
Other religions are not so targeted. Christians did not lodge
complaints for hate speech and offensive words, let alone the
violence, used against them in the recent campaign over the
proposed postal plebiscite – which was cut down to a straw vote.
Opportunities for malice and
revenge abound in dictatorial atheistic regimes In Stalin’s Russia,
according to Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago,
a mere accusation without proof against a neighbour was evidence
enough for a ten year imprisonment. Similarly, according to William
Shirer's The Rise and Fall
of the Third Reich, in
Hitler’s Germany there was no Freedom of Speech – except for Dr JP
Goebbels, the Propaganda Minister. The sinister secret police
produced a reign of terror.
Therefore Freedom of Religion
is closely linked with Freedom of Speech. If Christians were banned
by law from speaking of particular doctrines like the necessity of
Repentance and rejection of popular P.C. sins, in order to avoid
Hell, then it will be a negation of their Freedom of Religion.
Freedom to Publish one’s thoughts
The printer engaged for Dr
David van Gend’s Stealing
from a Child, the Injustice of ‘Marriage Equality' (2016), just one day before its
scheduled launch, refused to print it. Was there intimidation?
Further, Dr van Gend, a
general practitioner has already been persecuted over kindred
Will his important book now be
banned — or will Freedom of Speech in print be allowed?
The Global Sexual Revolution,
The Destruction of Freedom in the Name of Freedom by Gabriele Ruby (German 2012, English 2015) exposes
the carefully planned promotion of same-sex ideology and the
details of its funding by UN, EU, UK and various US financial
giants. Will Australian bookshops selling it be found guilty of
promoting hate-speech?
Dr Paul Kengor’s Takedown, from. Communists to
Progressives, How the Left has sabotaged Family and Marriage (2015) treats the history and
promotion by modern Freudian-Marxism of same-sex unions.
Long ago, in 1934,
anthropologist Dr J.D. Unwin, a non-Christian with no religion,
published Sex and Culture. He researched the development of sexual
behaviour in the history of many major and minor civilizations.
Once they ceased to sublimate any of their sexual drives into other
creative activities, they doomed themselves to rapid extinction.
[This is Thesis 2]
Further back in the 20th century, Australian author
and sculptor Norman Lindsay enjoyed fame (or infamy) for having
more books banned by government censorship that any other
Australian author. Might we now expect such books to be set as
school texts?
Will the Bible be banned for
non-P.C. teaching against fornication, adultery and sodomy? Will my
publications be banned?
Freedom to Act on one’s beliefs
Freedom to Act is not merely
about autonomous acts, but to
act as one ought, on the
will of God. It involves Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Speech,
Freedom to Publish.
Christianity is a missionary
religion. To be missionary is part of its ‘package deal’.
It is of the essence of
Christianity to proclaim to all the Good News of Jesus Christ:-
Go therefore, make disciples
of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all I have
commanded you, and behold, I am with you always, even unto the end
of the world. Matthew 28:19-20
Christianity respects the
freedom of others to choose or reject it. It invites conversion by
extolling personal prayer. It persuades by reason and convinces by
patience and kindness as example of goodwill. It never coerces And
the history of Christianity is a history of martyrs for Faith, Hope
and Charity.
In the early Christian Church,
St Peter and other apostles of Christ were put on trial by the
Sanhedrin, the Jewish high court. These latter authorities were
alarmed at the apostles’ claim that the Man they had crucified had
risen from the dead, and that His message was spreading like
Now when they saw the boldness
of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated, common
men, they wondered; and they recognized that they had been with
Jesus. Acts 4:13
The Sanhedrin had the
prisoners taken out while they deliberated, then recalled them and
So they called them and
charged them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus.
When charged for a repeated
offence, the apostles were reminded:
“We forbade you to teach in
that name yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and
you intend to bring this man’s blood upon us”. Acts 5:28
But Peter and the apostles
answered, “We must obey God rather than
men.” Acts 5:29
Some modern
anti-discrimination activities appear to be a rerun of historic
harassment and persecution.
Can judges who do evil be your
[God’s] friends? They do injustice under cover of law; they attack
the life of the just and condemn innocent blood. Psalm 94 [93] :2021 (Grail Translation)
Here ends this second quarter
of the Submission to the Expert Panel on the Freedom of Religion.
ON THE POSTAL STRAW VOTE miscalled a plebiscite because voting was not
straw vote for same sex unions will
further negate rights and freedoms. The thought-police and the star
chambers will see to that.
Any new law will simply be a
further demotion of real marriage, reducing it to mere ephemeral
emotional bonds. That’s not marriage. It’s Nineteen Eighty Four lies purporting to be truth, in
implement Freudian-Marxism.
The history of philosophy is
littered with lunacies from men entrapped in their own half-truths.
These lead to a reverse error
with the reaction from homespun folk who say, “Philosophy’s all
bunk.” In the same way, it is a half-truth to say one is not going
to force others to accept one’s morality.
To claim this as a moral high
ground is a fallacy, just as much as to say philosophy is bunk or
that morality a purely personal matter.
It ignores the obvious:
lawmakers, judges in law courts and police arc all forcing their
own moral judgements on others. The old scholastic adage, “Whatever
is received is received according to the mode or mindset of the
recipient” can be mirrored, “Whatever is uttered is uttered
according to the mode or mindset of the utterer.” (See Handouts n. 156) So academe, politicians, public servants,
police, courts, media who lack sympathy, whether wittingly or
unwittingly, for morality or for religion, will impose their own
lack of morality or even force an amorality on others, and so prove
less capable of giving fair treatment to parents, schools and
It’s happening already! The
Enemy is at the Gate. We are called to arms — with the weaponry of
God, which is the Good News of the Cross: repent, believe, practise
Faith, Hope and Charity.
SEPARATION of Church and
State is Christian teaching from Jesus Christ:
Render unto Caesar the things
that are Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s. Matthew 22:21
Moreover, Governments rightly
require religion to uphold natural morality, i.e. the natural moral
law, “natural law”. Yet there are countries where one religion
refuses to live peaceably with any other, and countries where
atheism is enforced by totalitarian regimes. There is no Freedom of
Natural morality can function
aside from religion, though religions are usually its mainstay. All
religions must uphold it, for it is “the bottom line”, nor can
governments function without it.
Gross public offences against
natural law morality, e.g. pederasty, impose a grave obligation on
a religion to correct its offender and a government its citizens.
Cicero speaks on natural law
Cicero was not a Christian but
a pagan Roman lawyer, 106-43 B.C.
However, he claimed that no
one can reverse the morals built-in to human nature:-
THERE IS in fact a true law,
namely right reason, which is in accordance with nature, applies to
all men, and is unchangeable and eternal.
By its commands this law
summons men to the performance of their duties; by its prohibitions
it restrains them from doing wrong. Its commands and prohibitions
always influence good men, but are without effect upon the bad.
To invalidate this law by
human legislation is never morally right, nor is it permissible
ever to restrict its operation and to annul it wholly is impossible.
Neither the Senate [of ancient
republican Rome] nor the people can absolve us from our obligation
to obey this law, and it requires no Sextus Aelius [a famous
politician] to expound and interpret it.
It will not lay down one rule
at Rome and another at Athens, nor will it be one rule today and
another tomorrow.
But there will be one law,
eternal and unchangeable, binding at all times and upon all
peoples; and there will be, as it were, one common master and ruler
of men, namely God, who is the author of this law, its interpreter
and its sponsor. Cicero, Republic III, 22 (transl. by Brother Christian Moe FSC)
He speaks of natural law again
in another passage
IF IT WERE NOT grounded in nature
there would be no justice, and all virtues would cease to exist.
How otherwise can magnanimity, love of one’s country, [Roman] pietas, meriting the good opinion of others and honouring
obligations, exist?
For these arise from the fact
that we are by nature inclined to love our fellow men. This
is the foundation of justice. Were this not so, then respect for
our fellow men, and for the ceremonies and religions of the gods
would cease — things that must be preserved, not out of fear but
because of the link that exists between man and god [in coniunctione quae est homini cum
If what is just is decided by the will of the people, or by decrees of
princes or sentences of judges, then thievery could be lawful, as could adultery and perjury — if such were determined
by the votes or opinions of the mob.
Were such power to arise from
the opinions and commands of unwise people, then by their will the
very nature of things would be turned on its head. What is to stop
such people declaring evil and pernicious things to be good and
sound? If such Law [based on opinion] can make unjust things just, what’s to stop it making evil things, good?
Nature is the norm that
enables us to distinguish a good law from a bad one. And it’s not
only justice and injustice that are judged by their nature, but
also, of course, what is honourable and what is dishonourable.
For, as common sense makes
clear to us, and instills in our minds from our very beginnings,
honour is derived from virtue, and dishonour from vice. It would be
madness to think that their reality is determined by people’s
opinion rather than by their very essence.
Cicero, De Legibus. Liber Primus §§ 43-45 transl. by Father Paul
Stenhouse MSC, Annals
Australasia 2/2017
For Christians, St Paul proclaimed natural morality as the
law “written in our hearts” Romans 2:15
A government, with its public
service, is at the top of a pyramid of human beings.
The ultimate source of
government is family structure. Family life is the base of a
A husband and wife procreate
and educate children. Over time, an extended family develops, hence
a tribe, a clan, a people, a race, a country.
Harmonious relationships
between all these separate persons require some sort of control
external to them. This provided by a government, usually working
through a public service.
Neither the people nor their
parliaments can change morality. Rather, parliaments are there to
implement, support and often enforce vital aspects of morality:
e.g. do no murder. The alternative is to declare there is no
morality. No civilization has ever survived that. [This is Thesis 2
By its origins, a government
exists for the sake of those governed. Those governed do not exist
for the sake of a government.
Sound social thinking is
called a social philosophy. Its key ideas are subsidiarity, solidarity and the common good.
The following Q&As are
adapted from the Catholic
Family Catechism Apostles’ Edition nn. 464-469.
1.How is social philosophy based on natural morality ?
2.Social philosophy is based on natural
3.Man is created by God, in His image;
4.with the dignity of being a person;
5.that is, with an intellect and freedom;
6.called to an eternal destiny with God;
7.with God-given rights and duties;
8.blessed by God to live in society;
9.which has authority to uphold rights.
2. Why is social philosophy complicated?
Social philosophy is
complicated because the exercise of personal rights may have to be
limited by society to ensure the rights of others, in that the
purpose of society is to uphold the common good.
The Common Good
3. What is the common good?
The common good is the social
benefit in which every person shares and which society has a duty
to uphold to ensure the natural human rights of everyone. It is not
the greatest good of the greatest number, nor is it decided by
majority vote.
The common good* is not the
same as the public good; the public good is the means by which the
political society supports the common good.
A “good” means a perfection or purpose,
e.g. “After struggling for years, he made good.”
Subsidiarity — a social Right — all for one"
4. What is the principle of
The principle of subsidiarity*
is that society exists for the sake of persons and not persons for
the sake of society, so society must help persons and smaller
societies to function, and not usurp them, so that they enjoy
freedom and rights and share in the common good.
Subsidiarity means being supportive; it is not the same as subsidiary which means
Solidarity — a social Duty - “One for all”
5. What is the principle of
The principle of solidarity*
is that every person and smaller society has a duty to make society
workable by accepting its authority and so to contribute to the
common good.
Solidarity implies that some subordination
is necessary.
“All for one, One for
6. What ensures both personal
freedom and social order within society?
Personal freedom and social
order are ensured by a proper balance between subsidiarity and
solidarity so that the common good is upheld. The common good is
supportive of the person and the person is subordinate to the
common good.
More or less, “all for one” is
subsidiarity, and “one for all” is solidarity.
Social Evils
7. What happens if
subsidiarity or solidarity is ignored?
If subsidiarity is ignored, an
excessive emphasis on solidarity* leads to socialism and
totalitarianism, whether fascism or communism; if solidarity is
ignored, an excessive emphasis on subsidiarity leads to capitalism
and individualism.
disregard these dangers is to rush headlong into the
quicksands of Modernism in the moral, juridical and social
order,” said Pope Pius XI, 1931, in Quadragesimo Anno §46.
Society, Family and
8. When is socialization
Socialization is justifiable
only as a last resort. “The function of the State’s authority is
twofold: to protect and foster families and individuals, but
neither to absorb them nor substitute itself for them.”*
illius magistri §19
Here ends the third part of
the Submission to the Expert Panel into the Freedom of Religion.
Further persuasion comes from
a common sense appreciation of the logical
sequences in the Ten Commandments by understanding their logic. There are three for God,
then seven for man.
God must be honoured in thought, word and deed: so nn. 1, 2 and 3 are on God, His
Name, His Day.
N. 4: parents must be honoured next to God, for they
teach us out duties to others in deeds, words &
thoughts. Nn. 5, 6 and 7: duties in deeds to Life, Marriage & Property; n. 8 our duty in words that don’t kill the good name of another; nn. 9 & 10,
our duty to honour Marriage and Property in thought.
THE CANADIAN EXPERIENCE is spread over more than ten years and anticipates
what we can expect from the legalizing of same-sex unions as
marriages in Australia.
Accusations of intolerance and hate-speech have erupted
against those upholding biological marriage and Christian marriage.
This must not happen here?
an increasingly totalitarian State the thought-police will
effectively criminalize non-conforming priests and religious
ministers. Any safeguards for the adequate protection of the
human right to Freedom
of Religion or conscientious objections are likely to be removed as
hateful and ultimately declared illegal by courts and
3.3. Motivation of the
work of teachers in schools and doctors and nurses in hospitals and aged care is liable
to be constrained by the thought-police. Church-based institutions may be forced to close to save their
tribunals are notoriously intolerant of conscientious objectors who are fined and silenced. Is
this democracy in action?
Only 2% of the 2% who are homosexuals wanted their union to be
called a marriage. To redefine marriage as previously in
Federal Law is totally disproportionate and an appalling price
to pay for destroying families. Should ideology be legitimized
in the cause of intolerance and pseudo-rights claiming this
for the common good?
Yogyakarta 29 Principles to implement a world-wide sexual
revolution were set out in a 200 page handbook in 2007. This
revolution is proceeding apace. In reality, our recent
proposed plebiscite became a straw vote to recognize
homosexual unions as marriage, to implement a complete agenda
for gender mainstreaming and to abolish all sexual morality and
a traditional family, an absolutely singular relationship
exists between husband and wife. This extends to absolutely
singular relationships between father and mother and their
children, and between those children themselves. This forms the
very fabric of human society No one else in all the world is
related to anyone else in these unique relationships. Why ape
countries who have regressed? Learn from their mistakes. Show
the world true progress by upholding the primacy of biological
marriage and family.
of marriage deprives children of a male or a female biological
parent, simply on adult whim, and without regard for the
rights and needs of children, resulting in child unnecessary
timely warnings in Aldous Huxley’s 1934 Brave New World and George Orwell's 1948 Nineteen Eighty Four have been ignored. If
prosecutable in Australia, with fines, imprisonment and even
lynch law, giving audience to one’s thoughts using traditional
words like fatherhood,
motherhood, father, mother, Mum, Dad will be forbidden. The Expert
Panel into Freedom of Religion must prevent this from
“No” case in the recent so-called plebiscite was strangled by
Goebbel-style big lies told repeatedly on tax-payer funded TV,
and also by Gramsci’s long march of the Freudian-Marxists
through academia, media, services and businesses. The
violence, perpetrated exclusively by the “Yes” case, ranged
from hate-speech to brutal physical assault in the style of Nazi
thugs terrorizing German voters before their last pre-war
“democratic” election six years before World War II, the
election that swept Hitler into power from 1933-1945 — and
shattered Europe and the world.
Will the same treatment
already dealt out to Christians, with worse to come, be their
Will a failure to respect
Freedom of Religion be dealt out to other religions?
The Expert Panel has grave
responsibility for the consequences of its recommendations.
WITHOUT A Vision, the PEOPLE Perish
I conclude with an overview of
what religion in general and Christian Churches more particularly
have to offer society at large.
A World-view
The world-view sought by
physicists is called GUT, Grand United Theory, also known as a
Theory of Everything. In physics it relates fundamental forces like
gravity, electricity, magnetism and nuclear forces to each other.
The Law of the Inverse Square suggests there are links between the
first three.
More prosaically, a world-view
is like the panoramic view from a hill top, to take in the whole
picture in a sweeping glance, through 360°.
The Christian World-view
proclaims another sort of GUT, the Grand United Truth about
mankind, about human dignity in its origin, human duty to imitate the goodness of God, and human destiny beyond bodily death to enjoy the happiness of God forever
in Heaven, or to lose it forever in Hell.
Take it or leave it, believe
it or not, this world-view has transcendent grandeur.
But is it true?
Well, it’s an absolutely
certain fact of history and of much present experience that it has
done a lot of good. Sinners have repented and even become saints.
The crippled, the sick, the depressed, the anguished, the addicted
and the dying have been comforted to accept and adjust to their
situation, and to achieve in spite of what they suffer. Schooling
with a vision of upward and onward into Truth, Beauty, Goodness and
God has improved the fate of many, especially the underprivileged.
Hospitals, and particularly for maternity and for palliative care,
have often outshone others whose ethos lacked the Christian
world-view. It gives people something worthwhile to live for, to
hope for, to strive for, to achieve and to inspire others to do
Individual failures of Church
members are a pathetic degradation into the same sordid sins of
other human beings, especially when so much better was rightly
expected of them, considering their privileged status. Prescinding
for the moment from the harm they do to their victims, they are a
testimony to the intensity of the struggle to be virtuous and the
powerful hindrances along the way. The Christian world-view
includes the Devil in rebellion against God and all goodness, out
of envy and hate, and against all the goodness worked by God and
the goodness He inspires in His creatures. The influence of the
Devil is as empirically obvious as the effects of Original Sin.
Incidentally, though popular
opinion may have been swayed to the contrary by the pundits of the
mass media and academe, the sordid behaviour of some churchmen is
not unknown among politicians, policemen, publicans, pedagogues,
even parents and the practitioners of medicine and the law. Such
people never had, or have lost, the Word-view to lead them upward
and onward; rather, they are reduced to living for nothing more
than satisfying urges for pleasure, power and pelf.
The Future of Democracy
Prime Minister Winston
Churchill said, "Democracy is a terrible form of government —
but the problem remains that the alternatives are even worse."
However, Solzhenitsyn said
that democracy would not suit Russian tradition but a dictatorship
would be tolerable if the dictator held himself responsible to God
and to his conscience.
The adherents of religions
generally and Christianity in particular suffer from many obvious
defects — but the alternative of no religion with a State-imposed
anti-religious atheism have been proved far, far worse, as recently
as in the last hundred years.
The Expert Panel can let
religions continue to prevent the breaking of the bruised reeds of
humanity or its smouldering flax — a prophecy of the work of the
Messiah in Isaiah 42:3 and its fulfilment in Christ, Matthew 12:20
— by really ensuring Freedom of Religion, Freedom of Thought,
Freedom of Conscience, Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Publish one's
Thoughts, and Freedom of Action on one’s legitimate beliefs.
Why enforce Nineteen Eighty Four and Brave New World —
the road to misery? Why placate feelings offended at what they
don’t like? Better to put up with such feelings, as Christians do,
and not resorting to litigation and make the world worse.
“Without a vision, the people
perish” — based on Proverbs 29:18 in King James Version.
Father James Tierney
Here ends the last of four Handouts on the submission to the Expert Panel on Freedom of
Adjustment, Achievement living in
this age of the Church and the world
The Church of England has
already been through similar situations in which are lessons for us
Hymn for the Church
(Tune Aurelia“O Jesus Christ, remember”, metre 7676D)
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