Cardinal Newman Catechist
Consultants — 30th November, 2017 — HANDOUTS n. 152
“Clear, brief and easily assimilated by all”
Vatican II versus Satanic Sabotage
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THE GLORIES of Vatican Council II are especially in its major
documents (see Handouts
n. 40):-
• Dogmatic Constitution Lumen
Gentium on the Church
• Dogmatic Constitution Dei
Verbum on Divine Revelation
• Constitution Sacrosanctum
Concilium on the Sacred Liturgy
• The Pastoral Constitution Gaudium
et Spes on the Church in the World of Today (in the Modem World).
Today’s mess is that VC II is rarely implemented, so its
purpose is not achieved: see Handouts n. 1, “A Catechism [in 50 q&as] About Catechisms” :-
17. What did St John XXIII say in 1962 was
the greatest concern of the Second Vatican Council
St John XXIII said “the greatest concern of the Second
Vatican Council is that the Sacred Deposit of Christian Doctrine should
be guarded and taught more efficaciously.”
(Opening Speech, 11-11-62, quoted in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, p. 2, and in Abbott’s Documents p. 713.)
18. At the 1985 Extraordinary Synod what did
the Bishops say about the Second Vatican Council?
At the 1985 Extraordinary Synod the Bishops said, inter alia, there had been “a defective understanding and
application of the Second Vatican Council.”
This text is an accurate translation of defectuoso
intellectu et applicatione, whereas the Final Report
(FR) in the St Paul Edition p. 19 is defective: “an incomplete
understanding and lack of application” as though all we needed was
“more of the same”.
19. At the 1985 Extraordinary
(20 years after VCII) what did the Bishops say
about the state of catechesis?
At the 1985 Extraordinary Synod the Bishops said that
“everywhere in the world today the transmission to the young of the
faith and moral values deriving from the Gospel is in peril.
The knowledge of the faith
and the acceptance of the moral order
are often reduced to a minimum.” fr p. 31.
THE LONG MARCH OF THE MODERNISTS through Catholic educational
cf. Kengor, TakeDown on
“the long March of the Left” (Freud/Marx) through education at all
levels, pre-school, primary, secondary, tertiary.
The collapse of Catechetics, Nuns, Brothers, Priesthood,
Marriage and its morals, Confession, Mass attendance, vocations is
largely due to ignoring, distorting or contradicting the Sacred Deposit
of Christian Doctrine and not guarding and teaching it more
efficaciously, i.e. failure to implement VCII in its very terms of
reference by its initiator, as above.
The new Louvain (Leuven) Project is the
Relativism of Political Correctness. It is the latest outbreak of the
Modernism condemned by St Pius X, and a new fad of some diocesan
Catholic Education Offices;
(cf. Handouts n. 89
“Pandora’s Catechetics: Fads, Fashions & Falsehoods”):
SATAN’S Espionage, Sabotage and Subversion (see Handouts n. 120, p. 2) has been and still is the
ultimate cause of the evils of certain Church members, especially in
the last 50 years from Vatican II.
Today’s evils cannot be blamed on the Council, nor on its
documents. They did not cause them. Rather, they were occasioned
by the euphoria and by some Satan-inspired false implementation of its
The difference between a cause and an occasion
is vital. A cause has a positive influence on the being or becoming of
something else; whereas an occasion has an influence, not inevitable,
because of our free will and the Devil’s alluring temptations.
The fall-out since VCII is contradictions:
• the total rejection of the Council,
especially exemplified by refugees from the liturgical abuses of the Novus
Ordo Mass; (see Handouts
n. 71, p. 2).
• the gullible acceptance of an elusive
“spirit of VC II” to justify any aberration one cares to embrace.
The truth stands above the opposing
errors. Truth does not stand between errors as a sort
of compromise. It is virtue that often stands between
two extremes, e.g. prudence standing between as well as above rashness
and cowardice.
False mindsets occasioned by Vatican II
led to a rapid collapse of many good things. False doctrines from
visiting gurus and local trendies corrupted:
• catechetics in Catholic schools, public schools;
• adult education, marriage preparation;
• seminary theology courses;
• Religious Life of Nuns, Brothers and Religious Order
• Diocesan Priests, especially conferences & live-ins.
Self-esteem or self-estimation is often simply self-deception — Nemo
iudex in sui causa, “No one is judge in his own case”:
Self-esteem is often mistaken for self-respect,
but self-respect has the basic humility of honesty, that we are God’s
creatures, with God-given dignity, duty and destiny, His children.
Atheists often tout self-esteem as a value. It is
not a virtue, and it fails to enhance charity and self-abnegation:
We who are strong
ought to bear with the failings of
the weak, and not to please ourselves;
let each please his neighbor for
his good, to edify him. For Christ did not please Himself. Romans 15:1-3
A man
is really approved
when the Lord thinks well of him,
not when he thinks well of
himself. 2 Corinthians
A New Life at The Rock
Dear Friends,
My address from 9th
November, 2017 is:
The Rev. B.J.H. Tierney
143 Old Trunk Road
The Rock NSW 2655
and the phone/recorder/fax is 02
6920 2000.
The village of The Rock is named after the outstanding
geographical feature of the flat country all around it, The Rock Hill,
height 554 metres (about 1800 feet). It is 30 km southwest of Wagga
Wagga on the Olympic Highway and a whistle stop on the main southern
railway. Dare I utter the fatal words, “You can’t miss it”?
Once more I am living with the Vieira family and we are
1.43 km from the post office at The Rock. Please do not lob in on me
without notice. Please do not expect quick responses to letters, fax or
phone calls. For six months I have been packing up the paraphernalia of
my retirement apostolate at Tarlo near Goulbum and it will be another
six months getting organized efficiently once more. This page is being
composed in surroundings which normal people would call untidy and
philosophers might call the fringes of chaos.
Yours sincerely in Our Lord,
Father James Tierney
Life Under Compulsion, ten ways to destroy the humanity
of your child, by Anthony Esolen, who is author of Ten Ways to Destroy
the imagination of your child.
The author asks: How do you raise a child
who can sit with a good book and read it? Who is moved by beauty? Who
doesn’t have to buy the latest this or that vanity? Who is not bound to
the instant urge, wherever it may be found?
His answers come in ten chapters, after
an Introduction to the title, Life Under Compulsion:
Courses in compulsion: The School.
Contempt for humanity: The Corpse.
Rush to Work: The Treadmill.
Forgetting How to Think: The Idiot.
Lusts, not Love: The Itch.
Condoning Everything and Forgiving Nothing: The New
No History but the Inevitable: The Minitaur.
Fleeing the Family: The Orphan.
Giving In: The Mob.
10. Fear of Contemplation: The
Box, plus an Epilogue and an Index.
2015, 222 pp, $44.95 — that’s 20 cents a page and worth it!
See also Handouts nn. 113 (122,
123) on Anthony Esolen Defending Marriage; 115
(118) on Imagination, and 119 on Social
Extremism in Educational
The Australian for 2-9-97 had Stewart Fist’s article, “Books still best for reliable
information.” The
heading was clearly that of a sub-editor because Stewart Fist mentions
the idea directly only in his last paragraph: “However, most of the best and
most reliable information is still held in book libraries.” What follows is a summary:
HIGH technology as a way of solving educational
problems is a theme repeated every decade.
Here’s a 1922 quote from Thomas Edison: “I believe the motion picture is
destined to revolutionise our educational system and that in a few
years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks.
I should say that on the average we get about 2 per cent efficiency out
of schoolbooks as they are written today. The education of the future,
as I see it, will be conducted through the medium of the motion
picture... where it should be possible to obtain 100 per cent
Radio was similarly seen as a key component in this modem
technology... Radio, as a substitute for normal classroom
instruction, began in 1932... “to bring the world to the
classroom, to make universally available the services of the finest
teachers, the inspiration of the greatest leaders... the unfolding
world events which through radio may come as a vibrant and challenging
textbook of the air.”
A Los Angeles high school experimented with the
use of television in 1939... but the main push to bring TV to
the classroom came from the Philadelphia public school system in
American Samoa... Traditional classroom work became
subservient to either preparing for broadcasts or following them up
with project work.
American... Cable TV... 1970... One
primary task was to promote the use of video equipment... Closed
Circuit TV would allow the best lectures to be presented by the best
teachers... It was seen as a way to cut costs and boost the
quality of education... However the ‘process’ (rather than the
product) was believed to be all-important and self-empowering:
video was seen as creative, liberating, inspirational and strongly
motivational. The next phase was videodisc and interactive
self-paced learning... Self-paced learning is a great theory,
but the potential is rarely achieved in practice... High expectations
have migrated to CD-ROM and the Internet... “Many enthusiasts believe immense
education benefits will eventually be realised...
They always look to the future as a way of rationalising
the failures of today—never backward at past experience... One of the great fallacies in
ed-tech is believing more is always better... very often the opposite
is the case... novelty for a tune... But teaching isn’t the
same as learning... Certainly
computers and the Internet have a role to play in education, but
possibly the main benefit students will get from their computer labs is
the ability to touch-type.”
Editorial comment:
Over the last 70 years, Australia has gone from radios,
strip film and slide projectors, 16mm movie projectors, overhead
projectors, TVs, through to computers for each pupil and power
presentations by teachers from electronic whiteboards.
Never before has so much money been spent for so little
benefit to show for it, rather often it is slipping backwards. The
weightier matters of real teaching have been neglected, matters which
would have put the new and lesser helps to teaching in their lesser and
proper place.
Father James Tierney
© The Rev. B.J.H. Tierney. Handouts
are free and may be copied for any non-profit teaching
purpose. However, donations to defray costs are welcome and should be
made to the publisher and distributor, the Cardinal Newman Faith
Resources Inc. PO Box 359, St Marys NSW 1790; phone 02 9673 2235; fax
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